sábado, septiembre 13, 2008

Missionary Adventure for kids

A couple months ago some churches got together and set up different workshops showing some missionary works in countries arund the world. It was a huge event and around 500 kids were together singing, playing, visiting different countries and learning abount missions. It was an all day event but it was good to be reminded to pray for those who are in those places sharing the gospel to those who have never heard!

I was happy to be part of this experience; I like kids a lot and I was able to share my heart with them.

lunes, agosto 25, 2008

More Peru Pictures!!

viernes, agosto 15, 2008


This summer I was blessed to go to Peru with my friend Carly. We were there for a month and we enjoyed our time with the Chayahuita people. We lived in Yurimaguas, a city where tribal people go to exchange and sell things; we were able to go up river to San Antonio a village where Chayahuita people live and on our way there we visited Maranatha another village. It was a good trip with some difficulties too but I saw God's power and protection in my life. We had an awesome time with the people and I'm tankful for that. Many leassons learned and many stories to tell and will post some of that later! but here are some pictures so that you can see this beautiful place.

martes, julio 17, 2007


La semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de ir a Nuevo Namiquipa a trabajar con los ninos dando clases, fue una semana muy padre, tuvimos en total 25 ninos en total y fue divertido jugar con ellos y poder pasar tiemo con los hernanos de la mision. Tambien pude pasa tiempo con Ile y Meny, Yoshi, Lucy, Mina, Iris y Beto!! Fue una semana muy buena!!

martes, junio 12, 2007


Gracias a Dios llegamos con bien anoche despues de casi una semana de viaje!!! aunque hicimos diferentes paradas pudimos llegar a Chihuahua con bien! Las paradas fueron Las cataratas de Niagara, Toronto, San Antonio, Six Flags y Sea World!! Todos pasamos un buen tiempo y pudimos disfrutar de las vacaciones! Los dejo con algunas fotos de la graduacion!